
Universe: Encyclopaedia of Our Universe, Amazing Facts about Our Universe

What is the Universe:Scientists use the word 'Universe' to describe absolutely everything that physically exists. They believe that the Universe was created by the Big Bang.
the universe

What is the Universe?: Scientists use the word 'Universe' to describe absolutely everything that physically exists. They believe that the Universe was created by the Big Bang.The early Universe was very small, but it contained all the matter and energy that exist in the Universe today- a densse, chaotic mix of tiny particles and forces. (Stars, nebulae and galaxies are all part of the Universe)


What was The Big Bang?

at the start of the Universe, probably about 13 billion years ago, there was a small unimaginably hot and dense ball, out of which the entire Universe burst into existence with the greatest explosion of all time- the Big Bang! The Universe rapidly expanded, allowing first energy and matter, then atoms, gas clouds and galaxies to form, This continue today, so the Universe is becoming bigger and bigger.

What is Universe Made From?

The stars and gas clouds in space are made almost entirely of hydrogen and helium. Rocky planets, such as Earth, are formed from densely packed elements including carbon, oxygen, silicon, nitrogen and iron.

What shape is The Universe?

Scientist are not yet sure. Just as there was once a time when the Earth's shape was debated, there is still no agreement on whether the Universe is flat, curved or spherical.

How do we know The Universe is Expanding?

We can work this out because distant galaxies are zooming away from us. Yet, it is the space between them that is stretching.

What is an Orbit?

It is path that an object in space takes around another object. Earth orbits the Sun, along with other planets.

the big bang therory

Who was the first person to suggest The Big Bang Theory?

A Belgian priest, named Georges Lemaitre, in 1920.

Can you see The Big Bang?

No, but astronomers can see the afterglow of the Big Bang as low-level microwave radiation called 'microwave background radiation'. It is moving towards us from all over space.

How hot was The Big Bang?

As the Universe grew from smaller than an atom to the size of a football, it cooled from infinity to 10 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000॰c

How long did the Original Universe Last?

The Original Universe lasted only for a second-just three trillionths of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second!

What was there before The Universe?

No one really knows! Some people think there was a vast sea, beyond space and time, full of potential universes continually bursting into life. Ours was one of the successfull ones. There may have been others and they may still exists.

What is the Big Crunch?

Some scientists think that if there is a large amount of dark matter in the Universe, it may cause it tio shrink and collapse. They call this the Big Crunch.

Our Universe

How do scientists know 'What the early Universe was like?

No one knows for certain, but scientists have worked out possibilities through mathematical calculations based on the laws of physics. Huge, sophisticated machines called colliders and particle accelerators are used in experiments. These recreate conditions that may have existed in the early Universe by using magnets to propel particles to move at unbelievable speeds in a special tunnel, and smashing them all together.

How Big is the Universe?

Bigger than you can possibly imagine! The farthest object - rather group of objects - astronomers have seen is the galaxy named GN-z11, 32 billion light years away, and Universe may stretch way beyond that!

What was Inflation?

It was the dramatic expansion and cooling that took place just a fraction of a second after the Big Bang.

What is the biggest thing in the Universe?

The Sloan Great Wall- a great sheet of galaxies that measures over a billion light years across.

How old is the Universe?

About 13 billion years old.

What is the future of The Universe?

Nobody knows if the Universe will keep on growing. it all depends on how much matter it contains. it is possible that gravity will stop its expansion, and there could be a contraction again - ending up in a Big Crunch! On the other hand, it may be a flat Universe, which just about avoids contraction or collapse, or an open Universe, which is forever expanding.



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