Our Universe: Matter and Particles, Atoms and Quarks, Encyclopaedia of Everything 

What is Matter: Every substance in the Universe, from the tiniest speck of dust to largest star, is matter.


What is Mattter?
Every substance in the Universe, from the tiniest speck of dust to largest star, is matter. So, anything that has mass and takes up space, is matter. So, anything that has mass and takes up space, is matter. All matter is made up of tiny particles. These particles are the building blocks of the Universe. These are three different forms, or states, of matter. solid,like a brick,liquid,like water,and gas,like air. Every substance can change from one state to another and back again, depending on the temperature and pressure. (Everything is exists is matter)

Who can we see Quarks?
The paths of sub-atomic particles, such a quarks, can be seen when atoms collide at great speed.

What is Antimatter?
Antimatter is the mirror image of matter. If matter and antimatter meet, they destroy each other fortunatly, there is know antimatter on earth.

What is an Atom Smasher?
Also known as a particle accelerator, it is a machine used to propel particles at immense speeds to study their nature.

How were Atoms made?
Atoms of Hydrogen and Hillium were created in the early days of the Universe when quarks joined together. All other Atoms were made when atoms fused together because of the intense heat and pressure inside stars.

What are Particles?
Particles are the basic units of matter that make up every day object. There are hundreds of kinds of particles, but all, a part from atoms and molecules, are too small to see, even with the most powerfull microscope.

What is a Quark?
Quarks are tiny particles, much smaller than atoms. They were among the first particles to form at the birth of the Universe.

How small is a Quark?
This smallest particles inside the nuclears is a quark. it is less than 10-20 m across. A line of 10 million billion of them would be less than a metre long.