8 DIY Hair Masks To Achieve Glossy Shine For Glass Hair

nutrient-rich mask that enhances hair elasticity and imparts a lustrous, glassy sheen.

Coconut and honey

Mix coconut oil and honey for a hydrating mask, promoting shine and combating winter dryness, leaving your hair sleek and glossy.

Yogurt and lemon juice

Blend yogurt with a squeeze of lemon juice for a pH-balancing mask that enhances hair shine and manages frizz during winter.

Avocado and olive oil

Mash ripe avocado with olive oil to create a rich mask that nourishes and smoothens hair, delivering a glass-like finish.

Honey and apple cider vinegar

Mix honey and apple cider vinegar for a clarifying mask that adds shine and removes build-up, therefore providing sleek and reflective hair.

Pumpkin puree and coconut oil

Combine pumpkin puree with coconut oil for a mask rich in vitamins, promoting a glassy finish and nourishing your hair in colder months.

Eggs and mayonnaise

Whisk eggs with a bit of mayonnaise for a protein-packed mask that strengthens and imparts a glossy texture to your locks.